Game Design (v1)

Level 1

(Video walkthrough)

1A: here we present the basic commands (move and jump) and foreshadow the mechanic of having to look to two screens.

1B: by showing two platforms, one visible in each side, we presente the main mechanic of the game. We hope users understand that they have to look up and down.

1C: we show that both screens complement each other by forcing players in a situation where the character "floats" in either half of the screen. We also present diamonds that trigger barriers temporarily.

1D: here we test the players' motor skills (timing) and multitasking. Players who do not compreheend this will surely repeat this challenge a few times or fall into traps.

1E: another challenge that tests multitasking. Players must avoid a wall present in the top half of the screen by falling then jumping in the air.

1F: in this fast-paced challenge, we test motor and planning skills. Players must get the first three diamonds and avoid the other ones while running against the time.

Level 2

(Video walkthrough)

2A: we introduce spikes that kill the player when touched and checkpoints that "ressurect" players.

2B: There is a trap that, when activated, makes a spiky platform fall. This challenge shows players that when they die, things remain the state they were.

2C: we test this idea of not undoing actions when respawning by adding a challenge that requires many triggers to be activated and a lot of spikes. Players have to explore the scenary to find a hidden path.

2D: we present for the first time triggers that change another object's state, like a switch.

2E: here we test players' abilities to predict what traps do. In this challenge, dying and respawning makes the challenge considerably harder.

Level 3

(Video walkthrough)

3A: here we test if players understand that the avatar's jump height is dependant on how long the spacebar is pressed. We also show that vertical stages are possible (no falling pits).

3B: a challenge that happens entirely on the lower screen.

3C: a simple room with a switch made especially to annoy those who are not paying attention to the lower screen at this point.

3D: a room filled with traps and spikes, challenging players' attention. They must plan a path to take the only trigger among four that enables the path to the next challenge.

3E: another dexterity challenge in which players must quickly touch the diamonds to hide spikes.

3F: contrary to the previous challenge, this one is slow-paced. Players must guide the avatar through a chamber filled with spikes with precise movements and careful examination of both screens.

3G: a trial-and-error based challenge where players must guide the falling avatar and avoid spikes in both screens.