Arthur Bastos


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Escape Room

About the project

AWS Escape Room tells the story of an unnamed IT worker of a toothbrush company that takes their friend Cloudia to a tour. Cloudia somehow breaks the company’s servers and is arrested by a guard. It is up to the player to save her and uncover the mystery behind the company.

It is a 2 to 4 hour long experience that helps players achieve a AWS Cloud Practitioner certification through quizzes, puzzles and practical hands-on lab exercises. The game also features event leaderboards and a learning report.

The game was developed in about 3 months and was showcased at re:Invent 2023. It was a very challenging project that required multiples expertises beyond programming.

I led the planning of the project, worked on enviromental design and cutscenes of the final two levels, programmed the quizzes and puzzles, and supervised the UI/UX experience. I also contributed to the the game design and look & feel.

It was also the first project where, Cloudia, the giraffe mascot I created for Cloud Quest, came to life as it own character! You can check AWS Escape Room at Skill Builder.
